ArcanaGPT - UX case study (wip)

Your Personal AI-Powered Tarot Reader 🔮

Introducing ArcanaGPT, a webapp that uses contemporary AI to deliver instant, tailored Tarot readings.

By bridging the traditional mystique of Tarot with cutting-edge technology and UX design, ArcanaGPT promises an experience that is both personal and in tune with modern-day needs.

Project Summary


Tarot reading, with its rich history and mystique, has long been a tool for introspection. Typically done by a trained reader, it involves drawing cards from a deck and interpreting their meanings in the context of a question or situation - In my personal life, I've found it a convenient and fun prompt for self-reflection.

However, I've also found that the experience of getting a reading can be quite inaccessible, especially for those who are new to the practice - And it typically required a lot of time and mental charge to be both the reader and the querent.

Services exist that offer automated readings, but they are often generic and impersonal, and lack the nuance and depth of a human reader. Therefore, I decided to create ArcanaGPT, a webapp that uses contemporary AI to deliver instant, tailored Tarot readings using cutting edge LLM technology.

Problem Statement

"I don't understand Tarot, but I'm open to it - It seems like a fun way to reflect on my life, but I don't know where to start."

  • 🧙‍♀️ Traditional tarot reading requires a trained interpreter and can be inaccessible to newcomers.
  • 😵‍💫 Acting as both reader and querent is mentally taxing.
  • 💤 Automated tarot services are generic and lack the depth and nuance of human readers.
  • 🤖 There's a gap for a solution that blends automation convenience with human-like depth.


Introducing ArcanaGPT - Bridging Tradition with Modern Technology - a revolutionary digital platform designed to make tarot reading accessible, convenient, and insightful. Our aim is to merge the age-old wisdom of traditional tarot reading with the power of contemporary AI.

TarotGPT screen samples

It's really easiest shown than explained -
Click the link below to give it a go for yourself! ( and let me know what you think! )

Try demo

As with any serious development, its important to model, define, and understand the user, task, and environment factors of what we are developing. In this case, we are developing a digital product that will be used by a wide range of users, each with their own unique needs and goals - Therefore, well be using three exploratory methods to help us understand the landscape of our product; Personas, Task Analysis, and Competitive Analysis.

Then, we'll summarise all our findings into a set of user requirements we can take forward into ideation.

Task Analysis

A key aspect of developing ArcanaGPT was ensuring that the mystique and ritual of Tarot reading were preserved when translating it into a digital format. This involved careful consideration of each step in the reading process to maintain the traditional experience while leveraging the advantages of modern technology.

TarotGPT screen samples
  • 1. Shuffle

    Preserving Ritual: Users begin by shuffling the virtual Tarot deck, an essential part of the Tarot ritual. This step emulates the tactile experience of handling the cards, reinforcing the connection to the traditional practice.

    Digital Enhancement: The digital shuffle incorporates subtle animations and sounds to enhance the sensory experience, making it feel as engaging as a physical shuffle.

  • 2. Draw 3 Cards

    Preserving Ritual: After shuffling, users draw three cards from the deck, a common spread in Tarot readings. The act of selecting cards is deliberate and thoughtful, mirroring the intentionality of physical card draws.

    Digital Enhancement: The interface provides intuitive guidance on how to draw the cards, ensuring users feel confident and connected to the process.

  • 3. Reveal Cards

    Preserving Ritual: The drawn cards are revealed one by one, maintaining the suspense and significance of each card’s revelation. This step reflects the traditional practice where each card’s unveiling is a moment of insight.

    Digital Enhancement: Visual effects and animations are used to enhance the moment of revelation, adding to the mystique and excitement.

  • 4. Reader Narration

    Preserving Ritual: ArcanaGPT provides a detailed narration for each card, akin to the interpretation given by a human reader. This narration respects the depth and nuance of traditional Tarot readings.

    Digital Enhancement: The AI’s advanced natural language processing allows for highly personalized and context-aware interpretations, offering users a reading that feels tailored to their unique situation.

  • 5. Discussion & Querent Self-Reflection

    Preserving Ritual: Users are encouraged to reflect on the reading and its relevance to their lives. This introspective aspect is a core part of the Tarot experience.

    Digital Enhancement: The app prompts users with questions and discussion points, fostering deeper self-reflection and engagement with the reading.


Personas are essential for understanding our diverse user base and designing an app that meets their needs. ArcanaGPT attracts a wide range of users, from curious beginners to seasoned readers. Common trends include the need for accessible, accurate, and meaningful readings that support personal growth and emotional navigation.

Persona Mia
20 yo. || New & Curious
Recent college graduate intrigued by tarot. Seeks an intuitive, beginner-friendly platform for personal growth.
"I've always been curious about tarot, but where do I even start without feeling lost?"
| Goals
  • Wants to learn tarot without getting overwhelmed.
  • Seeks a beginner-friendly platform.
  • Wants to use tarot for personal growth and introspection.
| Pain Points
  • Feels overwhelmed by vast information.
  • Worried about online resources' accuracy.
  • Needs an accessible, step-by-step introduction.
Persona Jake
31 yo. || Reactive User
Tech worker familiar with tarot, seeking immediate insights during emotional distress.
"Life's thrown me a curveball. I just need something to help me make sense of it all."
| Goals
  • Needs quick and meaningful readings.
  • Wants insights for emotional navigation.
  • Prefers a responsive, immediate tool.
| Pain Points
  • Doesn't want long readings.
  • Wants resonating readings.
  • Needs an immediate responsive tool.
Persona Lorraine
52 yo. || Seasoned Reader
A librarian and tarot enthusiast for decades. Seeks depth and detailed interpretations for self-reflection.
"Over the years, tarot has been my anchor. I'm always seeking new depths and perspectives to my understanding."
| Goals
  • Enhance tarot reading skills.
  • Use ArcanaGPT as a companion.
  • Seeks detailed interpretations.
| Pain Points
  • Avoids generic readings.
  • Seeks a complementing tool.
  • Needs a platform respecting traditional nuances.

By identifying and addressing the diverse needs of our users through these personas, we can ensure that ArcanaGPT remains a valuable tool for anyone interested in Tarot, regardless of their level of experience or their specific goals.

Competitor Analysis

( 🚧 section tbc - watch this space! )

Requirements Specification


Paper sketch

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Design Walkthrough

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Next Steps & Reflections

( 🚧 section tbc - watch this space! )